Tuesday 2 November 2010

Whitby Gothic Weekend

Another very successful event in the fair town of Whitby. Much tea and cake consumed and lots more friendships forged. My heartfelt thanks to Mr Hoyle and Mr Dea for a smoothly run affair, as usual.
Looking forward to the next one on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd April and then on to the 28th 29th and 30th October 2011.
My Etsy Shop will, very shortly be well stocked for those that took my card away with them. You can frequent my online establishment at www.etsy.com/shop/impossiblefossils
I am afraid that I cannot offer you tea, cake or a selection of sweets but most certainly top quality merchandise.
I will be back from my North Yorkshire sabbatical very shortly so those of you anxious to get those Christmas presents will not be disappointed.

Monday 13 September 2010

Asylum, Lincoln

A truly wonderful event attended last weekend. It was time to open the steamer trunks to reveal my wares to the public in all their glory. Many gasped in awe at the curios that I had gathered from my travels.
A sincere thankyou to Lady Elsie for her hospitality and I hope to meet again many of the ladies and gentlemen I conversed with that weekend.

May I extend that thanks to the lovely Constance Dearlove who was so kind to assist me on the sunday despite her busy schedule.

It shall be a pleasure to return to such a fascinating venue, complete with resident ghosts.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Etsy Shop now open

Do visit
Where you will be able to purchase some of the items in my possession, such as this:


and this:

More will appear in due course, and you will be able to see many more of these creations in Lincoln in September. Details will follow shortly.

Monday 19 July 2010

A small sample of my collection

I shall try to document all the items in my possession, although I feel that my first attempts are not perfect. Luckily, I have developed a better photographic medium that I hope to patent at a later date:

These have been crafted by the local tribespeople who, would you believe, treat these incredible items as jewellery.
Here is another:

More from my incredible finds and my adventures as I find the time to document them.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

An introduction

Foreword to the diary of Captain Hieronymus Bartholomew, former professor of antiquities and latterly, adventurer and explorer.
I started my tenure at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1871 where I was quite content in my academic career for several years. My chambers comfortable, my peers convivial, my lectures on ancient civilisations of South America were legendary, I hear, and there was talk of higher office.

In my chambers one night in 1883, together with professor Cuthbert Pryce, we began our plans to explore the darkest reaches of Peru and Mexico over a glass of my finest single malt. It was our dream to follow in the footsteps of Cortez and Pizzaro and perhaps even tread the golden pavements of El Dorado itself.

It was in the late summer of 1888 when we disembarked from Ollantaytambu and met with our guide, Victor Gonzales. We trekked through the Sacred Valley and then on to the mountains beyond. The weather was kind and our hopes were high.
Here you will find original photographs and sketches and in addition, many of the original items in my possession, which, due to lack of funds I am reluctantly selling. I hope you find the following records of my adventures enlightening and go some way to restoring my reputation which has become sullied by the whole affair. I hope that one day, possibly many years after my death, the truth will be revealed. I truly believe that what I have discovered may very well hold the key to a much larger mystery and change our firmly held beliefs regarding the very fabric of the universe.